When we found out we were pregnant, I signed up for a couple of email lists that send out updates on a fairly regular basis. They seem to have bred and I now receive several a day. Most are advertisements for things that I MUST buy if I expect to possibly survive pregnancy and motherhood. Unfortunately, the informational ones are almost never helpful or kind. Throughout they have explained to me various types of torture I should be experiencing--it seems they are written by the same people who have to tell every pregnant woman they meet their own terrible birth story, that she will never get her body back and sleep is highly overrated. While these things may well be true, they will overtake the new parents whether they knew about them or not. I am sick, I don't have heartburn, I am not in pain, I don't have to wake up more than once or twice a night to pee, I'm not any more grouchy than I would normally be without food, I don't have any problems with the way my body looks. Perhaps there is an email list out there that includes the part I like (your baby is now the size of a pumpkin) and also includes positive information about pregnancy--I am certain that I am not the only woman who enjoys this time. There is a tiny, separate human right inside of me. She has her own perspective and opinions about what goes on out here and in there. How cool is that?!
For example:
Braxton-Hicks and back painLisa, you may begin to feel (if you haven't already) periodic
Braxton-Hicks contractions over the next few weeks. These are absolutely normal but can be somewhat uncomfortable at times. Your body is literally practicing for labor, and they give you a little taste of what it will be like. In addition to the contractions, you may also feel a variety of aches and pains on your lower ribs and pelvis.
Pelvic pain is generally felt in the lower back and is caused more by your pelvis expanding in preparation for birth, than pressure from the baby. The rib pain is caused by pressure from your baby and uterus, probably feels like a dull ache, and can be felt all the way across the top of your abdomen. Ouch!
I don't have any of these things going on (which is true pretty much about every email I receive)--my pelvis has been spreading since about 10 weeks and of course its not comfortable, but of course its totally normal! Of course, I don't have rib pain because my baby still has about five inches to go before she can reach my ribcage!