Sunday, November 28, 2010

Bye bye Durango

I'm pretty behind on blogging. In getting ready for the baby to arrive, however, I have recharged the camera batteries. The last pictures were from three weeks ago when we traded in our 99 Durango (205k miles) for a Toyota Highlander. The new car is about to get its second tank of gas under our ownership! It hasn't had its picture taken mostly because it is parked under our tree and without leaves, the tree does nothing to protect the cars from birdsh*t.
Mark and Lilly came with us to trade in the cars since their furnace had ceased working that day and incidently it was the one of the few days we have had any snow yet this winter!
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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How Quickly The Weather Changes!

Last week, we took a nice walk just south of our house and took in the veiws of the Mountains. You can see a little snow on the peaks.
I think this would be about 34 weeks, almost 35--eight days ago.
Yesterday afternoon the tiny ice pellets turned to snow and it really stuck in our bare dirt backyard. Here are all the trucks out roughing it.
And here is our garden getting its first blanket of snow for the winter.
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