Friday, February 25, 2011

Week 10 Mirrors

Last week we noticed that Josie seemed to be looking into the mirror in the car that we have for seeing her while we drive. A few days ago we picked up some mirrors to hang by her diaper table and she is very interested in what she sees there--both herself and her moms.

She is a little interested in the mirror at her activity mat--she is much more focused on using her hands to reach the little animals with bells in their bellies.
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Week 10

It turns out that Josie did have a lot of caffeine last week--totally my fault--and though I enjoyed my valentine's candy, it was not worth the sleepless nights.
Josie is working really hard on gaining control of her hands. When she holds on to my fingers she tries to pull them to her mouth. Here, she also holds her own fingers to make them more stable.

"Really Mama. Enough with the camera already!"
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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

week 9--mobiles

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Week 9--Amy and mini-Amy come over fot Valentine's Day

To me, Lilly looks just like Amy, though Amy's hair might have been a little more curly at this age.
Josie looks like she might be tired, but I think Lilly gave her some advice or caffeine as she hasn't really slept since then!

Week 9--Helping Mommy with homework

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Week 8

I left the house today--to put the trash can on the curb--and Josie stayed inside watching her ceiling fan and batting around some balls
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Bunny Tracks

The snow we've had in the last week has stuck around as it hasn't been above freezing for a few days. I looked out today and discovered that the front yard bunny has a very specific path he cruises along. It goes from under the car to under the bush that covers the dryer vent!

He is kinda cute when he isn't eating all of my strawberries one day before they are ripe.
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Week 8

Josie woke up from her long nap yesterday and as soon as I unwrapped her, her arms shot up above her head!

She is more and more alert all the time, especially when she has just had a long nap or when she wakes up first thing in the morning (which today was at 6:15) Its an evolutionary protective thing that babies are most interactive and smiley when they wake up after a good long sleep even when they wiggled in their sleep and kept their mama awake from 11 pm to 2 am.
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Couldn't you just watch a baby sleep for hours!
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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Week 7

Josie becomes more and more interested in the world around her each day!
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Week 7 Hanging out in the nursing chair

We tried a little monkey blanket toy as a ovey but the rattle in its head kept waking her up. I've been bringing this bunny lovey to feedings and at the very least it hasn't been rejected.

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Week 7 Mobiles

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