Friday, April 27, 2012

Could this kid get any cuter?!

She seems to have squished her eye while putting on her own hat!  You can really see those two bottom teeth (she recently added one more to the bottom and has four on the top as well)

She has pretty amazing balance (we are not surprised at all)

She also had my sense of style ;)

These red shoes were purchased the day prior to this oh-so-great first thing in the morning photo (think "where is my coffee!?")  Josie had to put these shoes right on over her jammies and get to work sweeping!

Josie is trying out one of these amber teething necklaces and I really think it works.  As mentioned above, one tooth has recently come through and we have had no crying at night since she began to wear this necklace.  Seems pretty hippie-dippy but really does work for her.

Our nightly book and bottle before bed--note the stuffed camel that used to sit in my crib when I was a baby!  Also note that she never stops moving--pointing out pictures with her toes!
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Happy Birthday Betty--the new front door!

We replaced our doors for Betty's birthday, and Josie is pretty sure we did it for her (if you are counting by handprints on said doors, Josie is probably right!)  You can sit in the light of the door with your purse.

You can look outside at what your friends and cousins are doing, even if you are too tired to go out.

You don't have to get dressed to just look out the door!

You can see Mama coming back from work right through the door--and laugh and laugh!
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If you think it was hard to catch two smiling at the same time...

Amy has made several posts about how hard it is to get both Mark and Lilly to smile/look at the camera/open their eyes at the same time...

And it is just as hard if not a little harder when there are three in the mix!  They really are enjoying to all sit together on the bench that we now have at our table.

Yep, still hard with just two!  Josie and Lilly like to squeeze in a lot of places together!
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Hard at Work!

Here is Josie loading up her truck, in the makeshift sandbox under Amy & Tim's eaves.

Passing right by Mark, even though he has a hose :)

Makes it around the car

...and all the way out to the sidewalk.  She certainly has plans and intends to carry them out!
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Happy Easter!

We have been doing a lot of carseat rearranging lately, here is Josie relaxing in Lilly's carseat on our front steps.

The easter bunny brought Josie this little watering can and Lilly a new dress.

Josie gets a turn to try it out.

Josie is pretty heavily involving in projects around pouring, dumping and filling lately, so the watering can provided yet another opportunity to practic.

Holding the cup used for filling the can--she has just filled the cup from the bucket that catches our leaking hose water.

First attempt at pouring the water into the can.

Ah, ask Mommy to fill it with her hose, much quicker!
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The front yard garden

We are desperately trying to grow grass in our front yard.  I had the brilliant idea to surround the grass with sunflowers in order to give the newly planted grass some shade in the summer.  I am now thinking that once the sunflowers are established, this will be the place the children all want to play and the grass will really have to stand up to some traffic.  We shall see.

A little leaf-hopper on one of Mark's sunflowers.
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Thursday, April 26, 2012

One toe over the line...

Lilly has been asked to stay out of the street--as denoted by the transistion between sidewalk and asphalt!
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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Thanks Emily & Co for sharing your play kitchen with us!


A few weeks ago our friend Emily lent us this kitchen--it was a hit before it even made it downstairs to the playroom!  It is a preschool kitchen, but Josie has been adept at moving her stool around in order to cook at every surface!
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Pink Overalls -- A busy day in the neighborhood!

What are you doing Mommy??

Let me try it!

Picking up wrenches in the driveway while Mommy and Neighbor S. fix the car.

Playing 'ball with neighbor G. at neighbor C's house!
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