Two weeks ago we had a terrible hail storm that I was sure had ended our gardening season.

Josie and I gave in and went to HD to pick up some plants that were not riddled with holes. Here Josie is rearranging them in the tray on our front porch.

I really thought the brocolli was not going to make it, but a few seem to be hanging on.

In the back of this picture, the once-shredded spinach making a comeback, along with carrots on the right and some lettuces.

A pretty badly beaten tomato--still putting on new leaves--despite its stem being almost completely severed only an inch from the ground. Perhaps I will ad a bit more dirt around the bottome to stabilize it.

There were three tomatoes together in this ring and they seem to have protected one another a bit. Yes, also this section needs a bit of weeding--it has been 100 degrees for three days so we haven't spent much time in the sunny part of the garden. I did recently discover, however, that this weed, called purslane is edible and apparently very good for you...
Also note the volunteer carrots. They went to seed two years ago and now are everywhere--I'm looking foward to finding out how they taste!

Some very beat up cucumbers, also seeming to be making a comeback!

Our little backdoor garden, planted by Lilly and Josie, includes carrots, lettuce, peas and cilantro. One brocolli plant seems to be making it as well!