Some very large cucumbers heading to the pickling jar!
Yes, all I wear are three pairs of yoga pants, now that it is finally not sweltering out.
Cooling cukes!
Cooking in the brine.
One round in the jars!
Here are my directions to myself!
Which were quickly erased and replaced with these!
First round of picking carrots with my overworked helper!
Here she is washing the carrots,
...quite happily!
Carrots ( I realized after this round that it is much easier to peel them if I leave a little of the greens for a handle!)
Here is round one all chopped.
Round two getting washed in the front yard.
Round two ready for the freezer
WE have also been picking a lot of tomatoes!
Josie telling me, "Don't pick the geen ones Mama!"
Round three in the middle of peeling (and tasting!)
Round one peeled and ready to slice.