Saturday, February 25, 2012

Josie really loves birds!

Josie is sitting on Betty's shoulders in order to look out the window at the birds.

The birds were really hanging around this day--a few days later we made bird feeders--and they have not been back!
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Purposeful Playing and Walking Home

We all went to the park last week, before the 6 inches of snow fell. I'm not sure if it is just her jacket, but she looks so determined in all of her efforts at the park and on the way home.

And so big, here walking with Mommy.
There are lots of things to stop and check out on the way back home.

And then you just have to get down to the walking!

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Two little monkey's

I made this dress and matching shirt for Lilly and Josie with my new sewing machine. I had to take a few pictures just in case they outgrow them before they can wear them again!

Josie and Lilly spend a lot of time in the downstairs bathroom when they play together. As far as I know, they mostly go in the shower and slam the door shut as hard as they possibly can.
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Fun around the house

Josie has been sitting at the table in her booster seat without the tray frequently. We have to put a stool behind her chair so she doesn't push herself over backwards while lounging at the table.
We like to read the paper on Saturday and Sunday mornings around here.
Josie is very strong! While it looks like she has a little pigtail in her hair, if you look a little more closely, you can see it is just a wispy curl of hair!
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Josie Can...

...still fit underneath the table--but I don't think this will last much longer.

...almost put on some sparkly shoes all by herself!

...climb into the chairs all by herself!
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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Josie worked very hard making a Valentine present for her Mommy Betty!
There was some work with scissors--she knows that she has to hold the scissors with one hand and the paper with the other.

There was some work with markers--she knows that you have to take the lid off first and then point the tasty part to the paper

Afterwards, she had a good meal, complete with kisses at the end!
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