Monday, July 16, 2012

July 5th in the Garden

The beans are getting a bit taller.

Josie and her baby checking on the sprinkler

Josie finds a roly-poly bug

and eats it...

Next year the aisles between the rows will be wider!

Feeding baby a roly-poly!
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Josie enjoying the heat

Look at me! I put my head in the bucket of water!!

Now I'll put my baby in the water too!

And pour just a little more on my head!
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July 8th in the Garden

Josie helping Betty begin my next project--leveling out the yard so grass can grow (it will take many, many tons of topsoil to get this done, I think)

Josie going to pick some more lettuce

Watching Mommy dig in the dirt.

Helping to mow the lawn!

Chasing Nico Kitty off of Amy's back porch--this kitty puts up with a lot!

View from Amy's yard
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June 28th in the Garden

Some squash plants of some kind and the pole beans along these two fence pieces.

The tomatoes seem to be recovering quite well from the hail last month.

Sun setting and naked babies playing in the pool!

The whole tomato patch.

More fun in the pool!
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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

This Girl Loves to Play Outside

Watching cousin Lissa go up and down the slide after they worked together to get a lot of mud in the swimming pool!

Looking for a bug under the deck

Josie thought she found a bug, but I think it was a seed.

Practicing somersaults on the deck!?

Covering herself with mud first thing in the morning (luckily the pool was still full of water and the mud already in it had settled enough to wash off before heading back inside for breakfast)

Trying to get some mud on Mama!
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